Our priority is for you to be completely satisfied with the service you receive from us.
We have a complaints policy and process we follow to make sure things are put right where needed and we learn from your feedback. We will listen to your feedback and may ask questions
as necessary to understand the complaint further.
While we do not offer treatment refunds, our commitment to customer satisfaction remains unwavering. In the event any dissatisfaction or issues please contact us within 24 hours of your appointment and we will prioritise rectifying the situation promptly, whether through redoing or replacing the treatment free of charge.
Do not go to another salon or third party as we need to see exactly what the service or treatment you received from us looks like, doing so may invalidate any complaint. We will listen to your feedback and may ask questions as necessary to understand the complaint further.
– If you have had further treatment by a third party we may be unable to help you further with your complaint. We do not reimburse for third party costs.
– A ‘change of mind’ is not considered by The Beauty Boutique to be a complaint. If you have changed your mind about the treatment or colour you agreed with your therapist, we will be happy to advise you on an alternative look and will explain the process and costs involved.
-Complaints will not be considered if you decline to come back into the salon to allow us to assess, redo or repair your treatment, or if you are unable to return to the salon and you fail or refuse to provide us with evidence of the complaint.
How can you make a complaint?
You can make a complaint by contacting us by any of the following means:
• In writing addressed to The Manager, The Beauty Boutique, 18 Garden Street, Cromer, NR27 9HN
• By e-mail addressed to The Manager at
• By telephone on 01263 511945
As part of the investigation into a complaint, we will:
– contact you as soon as possible and invite you into the salon so we can better understand, and examine your complaint
– Offer to make recommendations so we can rectify the issue to your satisfaction
– discuss the complaint in detail with the original therapist who worked on you.
– discuss our findings and decision with you.
- Where we think your complaint is reasonable, we will redo the part or all of the service or treatment again as soon as possible, free of charge.
- Aim to resolve all complaints within 8 weeks.
All complaints are treated with confidentiality in mind. Only the customer service manager will be aware that a complaint has been received and is being dealt
The Beauty Boutique wants to deal fairly and honestly with complainants and ensure that other users, clients and staff do not suffer detriment from persons making
vexatious complaints.
We have a zero tolerance policy on any violence, abusive or threatening behaviour, if your complaint is considered to be unacceptable, we will close your case and notify you of such.
The Beauty Boutique aims to handle all complaints fairly and honestly regardless of who makes the complaint. The Beauty Boutique treats all members of the community
equitably and will not show bias to any particular individual or group.
If you are still dissatisfied following our investigation, you have the right to take your complaint to a certified Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider. An ADR is an independent third party who listens to both sides to help find a fair and reasonable compromise. If agreed, this decision becomes legally binding.